วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2559

 If you have been to Thailand, a small developing country which is well known as ''the land of smile'' you might have seen many things weird and make you curious. One object that I am always questioned by foreigners is about “san phra phoom”or a miniature Thai house that is erected in front of every building.Though almost the Thais are Buddhists, animism has a great influence in their lives. This one is also from the supernatural belief.. Thai people believe that every place is guarded by “Chao Tee”or the genius of the land on which the buildings are located. Therefore, they provide the Genius a small house standing in the same fence of theirs and ask the spirit to guard them against the devils and all kind of mishaps. There are various architectural styles of spirit houses but the most popular style is the original one – a small Thai temple-like house on a pillar. If the building’s owner wants to have a spirit house, they must hold a ceremony performed by ''phram'' or Hindu priest to settle the shrine and invite the guardian spirit to dwell inside. When the spirit house is settled, care must be taken to please the genius residing there. The offerings of food, flowers, candle and incense sticks shouldn’t be neglected for long time. There is no any strict rules about the frequency of presenting the offerings;people can present the offerings as frequent as they like. For me, I normally present the offerings just on Buddhist holy days.( usually about 4 times a month)
These are a few examples of The spirit houses in Thailand: the left is mine-- an example for the most popular style and the other is for the modern one.

