There are many performing arts but The most outstanding one isKhon, Thai classical masked dance.
In such play, the characters are divided into 3 groups: human beings, demons and monkeys. The performers who represent monkeys. All performers have to wear mask except those who perform human beings and the likes.
Rammakian is a Thai literature based on Ramayana,one of well-known Indian epics.
For the costumes, The play is rhythmically drama the story is recited by another man behind the stage and the players use hand gestures and body movements to communicate instead of speaking.
Khon is considered a high class performing art and therefore performed only on special occasions i.e. the funeral of an important member of royal family. However, In an attempt to promote and preserve this typical Thai performance, The office of performing arts always hold the shows at the well-equipped and well known spots around the country, still it doesn't seem to interest Thai people muchprobably because the show portray only the same story that most Thai people have known well. I For me, I attended the the shows twice times but not because of its episode but because I just happened to see something beautiful and that I attended the show was right! Every costume of each performer was so elegant but the performance was very very slow as always.umm in fact I try to avoid saying that it's quite boring >_<